Introducing BillionGraves’ Veteran Finder
BillionGraves is proud to announce the addition of the Veteran Finder tool on BillionGraves! This unique feature utilizes the power of GPS to locate Veterans in cemeteries all over the world! With the BillionGraves Veteran Finder tool, you can now find any Veteran of any…
Local cemetery going online
In today’s world, technology is growing at a rapid pace. It is now routinely found in areas that heretofore had not even been imagined by our parents, let alone our grandparents. One such area where you may not have considered how technology could be…
Key to Finding Pioneer Family
In the heart of the genealogy world, Salt Lake City, Utah, we observe a State Holiday on the 24th of July called “Pioneer Day”. Not only is this an excuse to enjoy a parade, fire up the BBQ, and light off more fireworks; in Utah we…
Using GPS to Find More Family
Why is having GPS on every headstone in BillionGraves SO important?! This is another question we get a lot. It’s time to set the record straight and show you the SECRET to finding more family with GPS! Why GPS Matters. Every headstone on BillionGraves has…
Million More in May Madness 2016
Million More in May Madness 2016 Happy May 1st, BillionGravers! That’s right. It’s already May and you know what that means! We’ve made it to our most exciting month of the year. It’s warm outside, the trees are green, the flowers have bloomed, and it’s…
2016 March BillionGraves Madness Bracket Winners
A big thank you to all the transcribers and photographers who participated this month in the March BillionGraves Madness Contest! The warmer weather and beautiful sunshine were a perfect combination to be outside taking photos. This March we are able to collect and preserve 322,154 photos…