Tips and Tricks: BillionGraves Photo Requests
BillionGraves Photo Requests: Photo Requests and Maximizing their Potential! The Photo Request tool is a great new feature on BillionGraves. It has been optimized and revamped to help the hundreds of thousands of users and requests we have at BillionGraves! First of all, what is a…
No Tricks, just Treats from BillionGraves!
Halloween is just around the corner. In the spirit of the season, we wanted to give you 4 tasty treats to kick start your Halloween festivities! 1. 14 Day Photo Hold Our first tasty treat is for our photographers who like to transcribe and manage their…
A State of Growth – 11 Million Records | 129,000 Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 11,000,000 million GPS headstone records, and 129,394 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillonGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty…
A State of Growth – 9 Million Records | 109,000 Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 9,000,000 million records, and 109,394 users! This is a big milestone in growth of BillionGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! For those of you who prefer to see stats in a pretty little picture,…
1.6 Million More in May – 2014 Results!
More like 1.6 Million More in May! The final results are in and the numbers speak for themselves! 938,743 photos were taken, 718,421 records were transcribed(with an additional 446,000 images waiting to be transcribed)! With over 18,000 new BillionGraves users! In total volunteers made over…
A State of Growth – 8 Million Records | 100,000 Users!
The BillionGraves team is proud to announce that we have reached 100,000 registered users and 8,000,000 million records! This is a big milestone in growth of BillionGraves! Thanks to all the contributors around the world! We are reaching each Million Mark faster and faster each time…