24 Apr 2024



A Huge Success 

The BillionGraves/My Legacy Memorial team was very excited about our experience at the MBNA Monument Industry show this month. We met a lot of fantastic people and were excited to see the latest and greatest in the industry. At the show, the team also announced…


3 Million Milestone 

This week was a big one for BillionGraves as we hit two major milestones: 3,000,000 records and 30,000 users! This is a phenomenal achievement seeing as BillionGraves is barely a year and a half old! And we owe it all to YOU! Thanks to our…


Free in February 

BillionGraves loves all of our users! To show how much we appreciate you, we are giving you (yes, everyone) a FREE BillionGraves Plus subscription for the month of February! (For our users who have already purchased BillionGraves Plus, we’ll give you an extra month on…