07 Feb 2025

Tag: events


August Image Rush! 

The summer months are coming to a close here at BillionGraves and that means it’s time for one last summer competition! Let the image rush begin! The Goal: The goal this month is to get as many images as possible while the weather’s still good…

Announcements, Competitions

March Winners! 

Thank you everyone for participating in our March friendly competitions. We had 221,818 records uploaded with this month and 292,950 records transcribed! That puts this month in the top four record months of all time! We sure had fun watching the records pour in and the transcribers…


Working Together 

Since the BillionGraves Index is now available on FamilySearch.org, a large group from FamilySearch employees decided to learn more about what BillionGraves is all about. So they headed to the Murray Cemetery in Utah to give the app a try. Some people took pictures, and…